有目的的艺术5 分钟阅读

有目的的艺术<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">5</span> 分钟阅读</span>
阅读时间: 5 分钟

如我所愿 较低的学校 Art classes I sometimes look on the internet at blogs and lesson plans of elementary art teachers.  It is rare that I copy a project, but rather adapt and re-purpose ideas I see.  Time and time again it has struck me that lessons in a specific grade will have no flow or continuum of purpose through that grade level.  的y seem to be activities, using a variety of media, on seasonal topics or random subjects.  但在“黎明”却不是这样——在这里,我们是有目的的.

Dayspring Christian Academy offers classical education even in its art classes.的 reason for all education is to enlighten the mind to enable a life of honor and glory to God.  Art education, no matter what grade level, should carry the same purpose.  这就是我努力要做的.  Each 较低的学校 Art curriculum plan has a purpose and a flow, 不只是一年,而是一年一年.  的 lesson plans are not just a collection of random activities put together for the experience. 的 overriding purpose of art from 学术上的幼儿园 through fifth grade is to learn about God and who He is.

God needs to be fixed in the 较低的学校 students’ minds as the first artist, the Creator.  从那里有了人是按照他的形象被造的想法, 愿一切都成就他的荣耀, 即使艺术不是天生的癖好, 能开始站稳脚跟吗.  在所有年级, 我强调顺序, 整洁, 服从, 责任, and patience – godly traits necessary to succeed no matter the grade or skill level.  Christian character building is a vital part of art as we want our students to view every aspect of life through God’s goggles, 不是人的.

一个学生曾经问我:“这是艺术课还是圣经课??我的回答是:“都有。.” for to me, if in all things we are to glorify God, art and Bible (God) cannot be separated.  Establishing godly attitudes in a child’s heart must be purposeful and begin at a young age.

学术幼稚园课程 through third grade build upon one another, deepening basic art skills each year.  All four years revolve around the “Seven Elements of Art”: line, 形状, color, 价值, 纹理, 空间, 和形式.  每个年级都有一个单元涵盖每个元素, 与年龄和技能相适应的活动, 年复一年地磨砺和提高他们的技能.  From learning how to use scissors to cut simple lines in 学术上的幼儿园 to weaving a tree in third grade (and seeing how the lines of yarn form the 形状 of the tree trunk) the skills build in scope and difficulty as the student gets older and is able to do more in-depth projects. Each grade level does have its own distinctives with unique units designed to emphasize God as Creator.

黎明基督教学院艺术课从幼儿园开始.In 学术上的幼儿园, 每个学生在四节课上制作一张创作海报, which shows and explains why God created our world in a specific order.  一年级有一单元是BCK体育注册官网圣灵的果子, 用一个艺术项目来提醒每一个虔诚的性格特征.  二年级的课程还是《BCK体育注册官网》, this time doing a separate project depicting each day of Creation.  三年级强调绘画技巧, built around the idea that God created the world and man copies His Creation.  Even though 学术上的幼儿园 through third grade all have the same backbone of the “Seven Elements of Art”, their own units and the increasing difficulty of art activities, 以及学生在技能和能力上的成熟, 让这头四年变得多样化.

Fourth grade and fifth grade move into another area of art learning: art history.  四年级时, 我们的概述从早期基督教艺术开始, 穿越了中世纪, 文艺复兴时期, 最后是1600年的荷兰艺术家.  We look at and discuss art from eras covering just under a thousand years.  Projects are based on historic art examples including Christian symbols, 三联画, 和马赛克.   Fifth-grade art continues with Plymouth in 1620 and progresses into the 20th century.  从早期定居者的手工艺品开始, to artists who recorded our country’s history through their artwork, 以插图画家, 还有最近的艺术家, 我们做的项目反映了每个时代.  Again, these include a wide array of activities such as weaving, portrait drawing, and watercolors.  Both of these grade levels come back to the basic thought that God is the first artist, and that He made us all individuals with various skills and talents.  的 understanding of terms and skills taught in the earlier years continues to be deepened and built on.

在12月, 较低的学校 Art classes are abuzz with excitement as we step away from our regular curriculum.  每个年级都有一份礼物送给别人.  We discuss the Greatest Gift God ever gave, why we give gifts, and the uniqueness of handmade items.  这些特殊的项目往往是狡猾的性质, sometimes teaching simple life skills; in third grade, 手工缝纫项目生产一个热垫, 而在第五层,一个木制的铅笔盒被建造和涂上了颜色.  It is gratifying to hear reports from students about the delight of the gift from their recipients.

较低的学校 Art at Dayspring Christian Academy encompasses much more than cutting, 上胶, 和着色.  Art at Dayspring is a time to build a child’s understanding of who God is, 以及他希望我们如何思考和生活.  It is a time to build Christian character in children in a more relaxed school atmosphere.  美术课是鼓励每个孩子的时间, 不管他们的技术水平如何, to develop their own God-given creativity and to appreciate the works and skills of others. 这是有目的的艺术.

Dayspring Christian Academy educates children from preschool through 12th grade. Dayspring is different from other Lancaster-area Christian schools in that its rich and elevated classical curriculum — called 原则方法 — trains the hearts and minds of our students to understand and apply truth.  Our mission is to assist parents in providing a wholly Christian education for their children. If you would like to learn more, please schedule a tour or contact Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000.
